2nd #FrenchTech Ticket Masterclass : setting-up a company in France at @SavoieTechnolac

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The second masterclass for foreign startups of the FrenchTech Ticket Program ran this time at Savoie Technolac on an important topic : setting-up a company in France !
Startups came from Grenoble (Tarmac incubator), Lyon (Boost-in-Lyon), and of course Chambéry (Savoie Technolac) to discover with Fritz Bruijnse (s registered in France as an Expert-Comptable and Commissaire aux Comptes and in the Netherlands as a Registeraccountant) the different options to set-up their companies in France, from simple branch to SAS. A topic that generated many questions and exchanges on the advantages and disadvantages of each solution, without any simple answer.
As it is a critical choice that may impact a lot their opportunity to benefit of french public helps, the incibators decided to anticipate the masterclass on « public funding », that will be the next organized in Tarmac with all the actors (BPI, bank, CCI …) that can help them choose the best way to incoporate in France…
Next meeting on march the 9th at Lyon for the first Kick-off !

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