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Ekosphere: when collective energy reflects the art of living well and working together supported by benevolent management, quite simply!

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A massive and joyful mobilization of the entire firm...

Special prize from the jury last year for the commitment and energy of its supporters, who every day, hats on their heads and claps in their hands, encouraged their teams at the edge of the pitch with lots of singing and laughter, Ekosphere this year once again demonstrated the incredible emulation of its collaborators during the Olympiads.

Indeed, out of the firm's 35 employees, 25 were involved in the challenges, including the 3 managing partners, and almost the entire workforce was once again able to be found on the ground to support the participants in a good communicative mood like the atmosphere that reigns daily at work. “Besides, everyone would have wanted to participate,” rejoices Stéphanie Gaudimonte, partner of the firm.

And the “party committee”, led loud and clear by Benjamin, Arlène and Justine, plays a key role in this collective emulation. “This committee is an initiative that they carry with their hearts and their energy helps to unite all the teams. The Olympics generate an extraordinary dynamic that energizes everyone. Throughout the duration of the challenges, we have deliberately extended the break times and it's worth it, because everyone comes back to the office boosted after the challenges! », underlines Stéphanie.

…reflection of a well-cultivated way of living and working together…

And this massive and joyful mobilization owes nothing to chance. It is only the reflection of an acute sense of well-being at work which is available throughout the company.

Upstream, Ekosphere works on its image with schools, and in particular the Lycée des Eaux Claires, the IUT2 or the IAE, to promote its profession among young people in accounting training.

 And the bet is successful since the firm welcomes 4 to 5 interns every year, who, attracted by the atmosphere, begin an apprenticeship, become ambassadors to their peers and are hired as salaried employees at the end of their studies. The co-optation bonuses motivate them to promote the firm to other young graduates, allowing Ekosphere to cultivate its employer brand through... the good old word of mouth method, which continues to prove its worth!

A simple and effective transformation which also and above all relies on the quality of onboarding. “We are keen to integrate young people into teams regardless of their status. Each new arrival has a personalized welcome booklet and everyone, whatever their status (trainee, apprentice, or employee), is involved in all collective events, including the Olympiads. “It is important for us to welcome and integrate young people, even if it is only an internship of a few weeks, because today's interns are tomorrow's employees,” emphasizes Stéphanie Gaudimonte .

And downstream, everything is put in place so that the teams work well. Thus, managers are involved in the recruitment of their teams. “It is important that mission leaders can choose their collaborators, based on their skills of course, but also on the interpersonal feeling which guarantees the pleasure of working together and therefore the effectiveness of the collaboration,” recalls Stéphanie.

On this basis of good interpersonal relationships, without which nothing is possible, numerous initiatives are put in place to cultivate team spirit. Thus, two annual events bring together employees from all the firms in the Ekosphere network to create transversality: a plenary in July, and a big end-of-year meal in December. Within the Inovallien office, other unifying events punctuate the year to strengthen ties: lottery evening, team entry in races such as the Ekiden or the Grenoble-Vizille, relaxation courses, festive evenings, shows, etc.

And it works: beyond the good atmosphere reflected in the Olympics, diversity is a daily reality: “we have as many men as women, and there are 3 generations who work together harmoniously within the firm, with employees aged 21 to 62,” notes Stéphanie.

…by the common sense of benevolent management!

However, nothing has yet been formalized within the firm, proof that common sense and feeling remain the keystone of caring management which knows how to naturally put in place the conditions for living well and working together...

Benevolent management that also knows how to question itself: “many of our choices remain empirical, we obviously have room for improvement. But it shows that “leaders” are just humans who want to progress,” concludes Stéphanie. What better example for teams?

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