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Lancey Energy Storage on #CES2017 : the first smart space heater with a lithium battery !

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blog_une_lancey_ces2017Lancey Energy Storage provides a plug and play space heater integrating a lithium battery. The patented architecture provides up to 50% bill economy, storing electricity when it’s cheap and consuming it when the user needs it most. Easy to install, compatible with Demand Response policies, controlled by your smartphone and allowing important energy savings, the space heater by Lancey Energy Storage is the smartest way to store energy.
The innovation proposed by Lancey is in the patented radiator architecture, which includes a battery as a finctional element of the heating system, to reconcile comfort and accessibility of electricity heating, while enabling the intergration of renewable energies on electricity grids thanks to the addition of the brand new storage function. More efficient than conventional convectors, this radiator birngs comfort and design to all interiors. According to his habbit of consumption, the inhabitant can manage the integrated thermostat, using a dedidacted smartphone application.
All of this make of Lancey a multiservice management solution :

  • for the final consumer : who can manage efficiently his comfort and consumption thanks to a self learning algorithm that optimizes the system
  • for social landlords and property portfolio managers : who can improve energy performance of their buildings to comply public policies. 100 units have already been sold to 3 french social landlords and installed in october.
  • for electrical grid, as Lancey batteries compensate for the intermittence of renewable energies ans prevent the network from using fossil-based power plants as it is traditionnaly done during peaks of consumption. And the Lancey solution is simply plugged into the existing power grid, with a financial gain over gas heating systems that is close to 75%.

Lancey was granted in november by Pollutec with the Innovation Award 2016, and received the « Intelligent Energy » Grand Prize by EDF, major french electrical company !
Discover them on CES 2017 !

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