In january, 36 innovative companies of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, which is the France’s N°1 Tech Region, will fly to Las Vegas to exhibit on CES 2017. In this dynamic innovation ecosystem, Tarmac incubator will be widely represented : on the 30 startups actually boosted by invallée technological park accelerator, 5 will unveil their innovations to the US market : the indoor asset tracking solution of Apitrak, the plug&play time-lapse device of Enlaps, the high quality mini video stabilizer of SteadXP, the new haptic VR interface of Go Touch VR, and the smart energy managment solution of Lancey Energy Storage.
Tarmac is a startup booster in Grenoble, which has been recognized as the most inventive city worlwide by Forbes ! Managed by the entrepreneurs’s association of inovallée technological park (385 companies, 12000 jobs), Tarmac facilitates business development of early-stage technological start-ups. Its ambition is to accelerate their time to market and to achieve their economical success, thanks to a global offer that associates : all inclusive business spaces with advanced services and support, a booster program to perform in their marketing, financial, technological or management challenges, and an easy access to business networks, higher education resources and innovation tools.. A hundred of events are organized each year to animate the community, develop links with other booster’s programs, and enhance local and international business connections. To succeed, Tarmac has developed a strong partnership strategy and cooperates weekly with all the value-chain actors and clusters that work together to develop innovative business creation.
Created 3 years ago, Tarmac incubator have already boosted 51 startup, created 200 jobs, generated about 7 M€ turnover, and attracted more than 10M€ of fundraising.
2016 was the year of international challenges for Tarmac, that has been selected by the French Tech Ticket program to be one of the 41 french incubators that will soon welcome the 70 entrepreneurs from all over the world who want to create a startup in France. And in january, Tarmac will host its 1st foreign project.
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